Weifang Tianshili Plastic Co., LTD


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    Mobile phone:+8615615660036
    Address:South head of East Outer Ring Road, Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province
  • 22 2021-01

    Two properties of floor with leakage of feces 1、 High strength: high strength resin additive is used for fecal leakage floor products to make the strength of composite BMC reach more than 100 degrees, and i···

  • 22 2021-01

    Reasons for the application of waste drain board First of all, let's ask Xiaobian to explain to us why the fecal leakage board is widely used in modern breeding industry, and what advantages does it have.T···

  • 22 2021-01

    Let's find out about the floor Introduction to the performance of floor with fecal leakage1、 High strength: the product adopts high-strength resin additive to make the strength of composite B···

  • 22 2021-01

    Fecal leakage board becomes an indispensable tool for pig raising Although raising pigs is not the most tiring and dirtiest work in the world, few people can stay in the pig farm for several months without enough perseverance ···

  • 22 2021-01

    Advantages of waste drain board 1、 High strength: high grade cement and several concrete additives are used to make the concrete strength reach above C40. The performance of the drain board ha···

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Weifang Tianshili Plastics Co., Ltd


Mobile phone:+8615615660036
Address:South head of East Outer Ring Road, Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province